The Impact of NC State’s College of Design – Celebrating 75 Years

Clark Nexsen + NCSU projects pictured: Park Shops Adaptive Reuse, James B. Hunt Jr. Library, SAS Hall, Fitts-Woolard Hall
We are proud to celebrate our longstanding relationship and the 75th anniversary of North Carolina State University’s College of Design. Clark Nexsen has been fortunate to have a close partnership with the school, having worked on several significant projects at NCSU and employing numerous graduates at the firm. Because of this, we continually find ways to collaborate with and support the College of Design – from our annual alumni-led pledge campaign which provides scholarship funds to deserving students, to facilitating Clark Nexsen leaders sharing their knowledge and experience with the next generation of architects.
Below, Dennis Stallings, FAIA, Principal and Design Director at Clark Nexsen and Professor at NC State's College of Design, reflects on the impact that the College of Design has had on his life and the firm.
The impact that the college has had for me, personally, has been immeasurable. Since moving to North Carolina in 1980, first as a prospective student hoping to be accepted into the school, to completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, to becoming a Professor of Practice for the last 30 years. During that time, I have had the privilege of working with many talented, bright, young students on their journey to become a professional. The college has always had a strong reputation for teaching students how to think, how to make, and how to build. That combination of skills translates well into the professional realm.

To be an architect means a commitment to lifelong learning. Maintaining a close relationship between the profession and the academy is vital to us as individuals and to our firm’s wellbeing. I can’t imagine what Clark Nexsen would be like otherwise.
Most of our staff in Raleigh are alumni and we consistently look for emerging, talented young designers to help us build a better practice. Several us continue our close relationship to the school through teaching or through the Leadership Council. Without hesitation, I can say that we would not be the same firm without this symbiotic partnership.
The College has been a vital part of my life. I know I wouldn’t be the same without it.
Congratulations on 75 years from all of us at Clark Nexsen! We look forward to continuing our partnership in the years to come.

NCSU Fitts-Woolard Hall (foreground), James B. Hunt, Jr. Library (background)