Providing firearms training for Minot Air Force Base, this facility provides live fire training in a 35-lane firing range and a 4-lane machine gun range. Range
operations are controlled from elevated range control booths – one is shared between the 35-lane firing range and the other one is dedicated to the machine
gun range. This facility also includes a Combat Arms Training and Maintenance Facility (CATM). The CATM component includes two classrooms with a folding
partition wall between them, allowing the classrooms to be combined into a larger instructional space.


  • Provides firearms training for Minot Air Force Base
  • 35-lane firing range and 4-lane machine gun range
  • Combat Arms Training and Maintenance Facility (CATM)

In addition, this portion of the project includes instructor office areas, arms issue room and arms vault, weapons maintenance shop and student weapons cleaning area, range supplies, and a break area. The number of personnel using the facility is 234, which includes the two 35-seat classrooms, 57 people in the administrative areas, and 88 people in the ranges. Also included are typical utility spaces – electrical room, toilet rooms, showers, laundry/janitor closet and telecommunications closet. A mechanical penthouse contains the range ventilation system.