Clark Nexsen Announces Associate Principal Promotions

We are excited to announce the promotion of Margaret Bagdon, Creighton Barnes, Wes Parker, and Mike Putallaz to associate principal. These individuals represent Clark Nexsen at a high level through their commitment to excellence, innovative ideas, and strong relationships with clients and colleagues.

Clark Nexsen Announces Principal Promotions

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Chase Beshore, Scott Boyce, Whitney Duffy, and Jennifer Heintz to principal. These promotions recognize the significant contributions each has made to Clark Nexsen’s growth as a leading architecture and engineering firm.

Brian Turner to Lead Building Science Practice for Clark Nexsen

Brian Turner, PE, CEM, LEED AP BD+C, has been tapped to lead Clark Nexsen’s newly created Building Science Practice. Formerly the mechanical department head in the firm’s Virginia Beach office, Brian was key to establishing building science as an internal…

Lakhwinder Sabharwal Elected 2022-2023 SEAVa Secretary

Lakhwinder Sabharwal, PE, has been elected as the secretary of the Structural Engineers Association of Virginia (SEAVa) for the 2022-2023 year. Lakhwinder is looking forward to his role as secretary, saying, “I’ve been a member of this organization for a…

Peter Allen Elected 2022-2023 SEAVa Chair

Peter Allen, PE, SE, LEED AP BD+C, has been elected as the chair of the Structural Engineers Association of Virginia (SEAVa) for the 2022-2023 year. Peter is looking forward to leading the organization for the next year, saying, “I’m interested…

Erin Horton Graduates from ASLA Virginia Leadership Training Program

Erin Horton, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP BD+C, a Senior Landscape Architect in our Virginia Beach office, has graduated from ASLA Virginia’s Leadership Training Program. Led by Nally Ventures, the program focuses on helping leaders reach their full potential by understanding…

Wes Parker Graduates from ACEC VA Emerging Leaders Institute

Wes Parker, PE, PTOE, Project Development Director – Transportation in our Virginia Beach office, has graduated from ACEC VA’s Emerging Leaders Institute. The ELI is a comprehensive program designed to support rising leaders by broadening their knowledge of the engineering…

Clark Nexsen Announces Promotions

We are excited to announce the promotion of Georgana Turner to associate principal and Aseem Deshpande to associate. These promotions recognize the significant contributions each has made to Clark Nexsen’s growth as a leading architecture and engineering firm.

Clark Nexsen Wins Six APWA Mid-Atlantic Awards

Clark Nexsen’s transportation project teams were recently honored with six 2022 American Public Works Association Mid-Atlantic Chapter Awards for their work on the Poindexter Street Bridge, Woodman Road Roundabout, 19th Street Corridor Improvements, West Market Street, Suffolk Seaboard Coastline Trail,…

Clark Nexsen Announces Promotions

We are excited to announce the promotion of Rob Harkey and Brian Snyder to associate principal and James Meadows to associate. These promotions recognize the significant contributions each has made to Clark Nexsen’s growth as a leading architecture and engineering firm.

Clark Nexsen Announces Zee Hill as Director of Human Resources

We are pleased to announce that Zee Hill, SPHR, has joined the firm as Director of Human Resources. Zee Hill is responsible for leading the overall strategic direction, planning and administration of human resources at Clark Nexsen. Her main focus…

Clark Nexsen Names Eight New Associates

Clark Nexsen is pleased to announce eight outstanding design professionals have recently been named associates and shareholders of the firm. Each of these individuals continue to make significant contributions to the success of Clark Nexsen and have shown a consistent…

Stephanie Jude Named 2021-2022 SMPS Research Triangle President

Stephanie Jude has been named president of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Research Triangle Chapter’s 2021-22 year. Commenting on the goals she has for the Chapter this year, Stephanie said, “Networking and education are two very important benefits…

Clark Nexsen Wins Five 2021 AIA South Atlantic Region Design Awards

The American Institute of Architects, South Atlantic Region (AIA SAR) presented Clark Nexsen with five design awards for design excellence at an awards ceremony held digitally during the Aspire Online Conference in September. Andrea Leers, FAIA, from Leers Weinzapfel Associates…

Clark Nexsen Announces Promotions

We are excited to announce the promotion of Rob Harkey and Brian Snyder to associate principal and James Meadows to associate. These promotions recognize the significant contributions each has made to Clark Nexsen’s growth as a leading architecture and engineering firm.

SAY IT LOUD – North Carolina Exhibit and Event Series Launches

AIA North Carolina and NCNOMA are bringing the internationally recognized exhibition, SAY IT LOUD by Beyond the Built Environment, to North Carolina in 2021. Clark Nexsen is proud to be a premiere sponsor in supporting the exhibit and associated events.…

Ian Vaughan Elected to the Board of Newly Formed VANOMA Chapter

Ian Vaughan, AIA, NOMA, was recently elected to serve on the 2021 Virginia National Organization of Minority Architects Chapter board. He is a founding member of the VANOMA Chapter, which was established in 2020 after NOMA members from Hampton Roads…

Architect Ryan Johnson Named to ENR National Top 20 Under 40 List

We are pleased to announce that Clark Nexsen architect, Ryan Johnson, was recently named to Engineering News-Record’s list of the Top 20 Under 40 design and construction industry leaders from across the United States. This elite group of professionals includes…