People of CN: Gaby Orizondo

“Growing up in the Dominican Republic, I would always bake with my grandmother,” Gaby Orizondo recalls. “Back then, it was never anything too intense, just mostly brownies and cookies, but I’ve always really liked baking. In my country, there is a famous type of cake that we’re known for called ‘Dominican Cake.’ The meringue is made a very specific way and it’s perfectly creamy, moist, and delicious. This cake takes a lot of skill to make and being around that cultural staple in my earlier life made me grow to love and appreciate the art of it all.”
It’s awesome to be able to make something unique that brings people together and puts a smile on their face. I mean, who doesn’t love cake, right?
“I will say, I’m not particularly fond of the actual baking aspect of the process – it’s very technical and if you screw up one measurement, you essentially mess the whole thing up. For me, I really love the decorating part of creating a cake. I love creating things with my hands. I started off by following a lot of different talented cake decorating artists on Instagram and watching their process, and eventually got in to making my own. Now, I will make custom cakes for my friends and family for different occasions. It’s awesome to be able to make something unique that brings people together and puts a smile on their face. I mean, who doesn’t love cake, right?”

Gaby Orizondo is a designer in our Virginia Beach office. She has been with Clark Nexsen since 2015 and holds a Master of Architecture from Savannah College of Art & Design. In the office, Gaby is a member of the Ministry of Fun, a group that plans internal events such as the annual Halloween Party, Mario Kart Tournament, trivia, and more.