Clark Nexsen Foundation Commits $15,000 in Scholarship Funds to Hampton University, Howard University, and N.C. A&T

This month, the Clark Nexsen Foundation has once again made a financial commitment to support HBCUs by contributing $15,000 in scholarship funds to Hampton University, Howard University, and North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University. Each HBCU will receive $5,000 to support its architecture and engineering programs.
“For the third year in a row, Clark Nexsen and the Clark Nexsen Foundation are once again supporting HBCUs in the region,” said Marcus Whitaker, PE, structural engineer. “In addition to contributing scholarship funds in 2024, we sought new avenues to support students and expanded our recruitment efforts by attending career fairs at HBCUs. A critical goal of our firm is to foster diverse talent by creating opportunities, and in 2025, we plan to continue our current initiatives while exploring even more ways to champion students. Removing even a fraction of a student’s financial burden can result in more opportunity to focus on academics.”
This is the third consecutive year that Clark Nexsen has contributed to scholarship funds for HBCUs, which now totals $29,000. New for this year’s commitment is Howard University. The school was one of the first HBCUs to offer an architecture and engineering program and will use the $5,000 to support its College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA). Hampton University, one of the oldest HBCUs in the nation, will use the $5,000 for its Department of Architecture. N.C. A&T, the largest HBCU in the country, will use the $5,000 for its Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering (CAEE) Department.
“We are thrilled to be adding Howard University to the HBCUs we support as a part of this effort,” said Susan Drew, CID, LEED AP, Principal, Director of Interiors, and Clark Nexsen Foundation Board Member. “One of the core tenets of the Foundation is to help our local communities, and we take tremendous pride in investing in these schools and their architecture, interior design, and engineering programs, which will pave the way for the next generation of AEC professionals.”
About the Clark Nexsen Foundation
Established in 2008, the Clark Nexsen Foundation is a 501c3 tax exempt entity enabling our firm to support our communities and institutions. Awarding thousands of charitable dollars annually, the foundation works hand-in-hand with our employee-led contributions and volunteer efforts.